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How To – Product Reviews

How to Write a Product Review

  1. Click the “Reviews, questions and answers” tab on the product page. You can find it at the bottom right of the product information section. 
  2. Click the “Write a Review” button visible on the “Reviews, questions and answers” tab.
  3. Fill out the review form. 
  4. You can also add pictures by clicking the “Add Photos” button.
  5. Once all the information is filled out, click “Submit” - DONE!

Write a review

Product reviews are moderated and will be published within 1-72 hours after they are written.

Reading Product Reviews

Product reviews can be found on each product’s page by clicking on the “Reviews, questions and answers” tab located near the product information. If there are already reviews for the product, you can also read them by clicking on the review stars below the product name.

In the top section of the review area, you'll find a summary of the product's reviews: the average rating on a scale of 1-5 stars, the number of reviews, and the percentage of reviewers who would recommend the product. You can also use the convenient search function or sort the reviews by highest or lowest rating.

Reading Reviews

Below the summary and search function, you'll find a list of all the reviews for the product, with the newest review appearing at the top by default. As Happy Angler is an international fishing online store, there may be reviews in other languages as well.

If you want, you can share a product review on Facebook or Twitter by clicking the "Share" button below each review.

Reading Reviews

”Thumbs Up” or ”Thumbs Down” on Reviews

Other customers can also express their opinion on whether a review was helpful or not by clicking on the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icons located next to the text "Was this helpful?" for each review. Press the thumbs-up if you find the review helpful or thumbs-down if you don't think the review is helpful to other customers.

Writing reviews is beneficial as it helps other anglers make better choices.

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